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Wardota2 (Warcraft III with Skin of DOTA2)

DOTA Utils Update Presents WARDOTA2

Wardota2 is WarcraftIII Modifications. Alot of improvements from terrain maps, characters, items, NPC's and almost every detail in warcraft III. Good thing about wardota2 is you can join online client for dota (RGC and GARENA) to play with your friends or other people online. It doesn't Affect the game play in terms of network. You can play DOTA with new exciting graphics and awesome skill effects. Experience the best of DotA 2 in DotA Warcraft III.

Wardota2 has 2 method to integrate in your favorite warcraft III. Through  (1) installation of the wardota2 client; (2)  Patching your old warcraft III. Please note to backup your warcraft before doing the 2nd method.

Credits to: Developer/Creator
- ShadowProgr, - TiHloH,- vHaPpY, - Twist3d, - AltarMaria, - FosZaFel2oZ, - Kazekage/HaO.966, - Spawnbps, - Trolboy, - Bruceco, - Crossdota, - DotaMaker96, - Rikardo 03, - Pro_SoZai, - zuhdi1478,
- dota2-vn.com, - MeSH, - Icewolf055, - PainNagato, - eL_sHanOa, - nthanthung, - HolyDevilz, - Wreckworkx, - ChiuYeng & AND MANY MORE !!!

Guide in Installation of Wardota2

Method 1:  New Installation. (Good for those who dont want their original Warcraft III to be modified)

  1. Download, Extract, Install and Run. Enjoy. Dowload all parts of the wardota2. Extract the first file (be sure all 11 parts are on the same location). Click the wardota2 to install then Run to play.
  2. Enjoy the Game.
Wardota2 Link Files:

Method 2:  Patch. (credits to Deep-Freezer for steps and images)

*Note: Updating with wardota 2 patch will not effect ur dota maps, but it may effect some of ur warcraft 3 maps.

- Step 1: -
Download the Patch Files Here then Extract.

- Step 2: -

- Step 3: - 

- Step 4: - 

- Step 5: - 

Wardota2 Lates Map (Used this to play on RGC, Garena, Battlenet or LAN)

1 comment:

  1. alguem sabe como jogar war dota2 pelo garena?
